Lydiksen PFC
Our Mission
The Lydiksen Parent Faculty Club (PFC) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that supports Lydiksen Elementary School through various fundraising efforts and community events. The Lydiksen PFC bolsters the school community by promoting active participation in student education and creating an atmosphere that celebrates, fosters, and enables learning.
All parents, teachers, and staff of Lydiksen Elementary School are eligible to join the Lydiksen PFC. Learn more about becoming a member.
We invite the Lydiksen community to our meetings to discuss the state of the school and status of fundraising efforts, and to welcome occasional guest speakers.
PFC Funded Programs
Lydiksen depends on the Parent Faculty Club (PFC) to supply funding for basic necessities as classroom supplies, intervention programs, physical education equipment, technology programs, materials for the science lab, academic programs, library materials, and so much more.
PFC-funded Programs include:
Fun Run – our only fundraiser for the school year!
Annual classroom book refresh
Art Program
Book Fair & support for the Lydiksen Library
Enrichment Activities by class
All Lydiksen Social Events, including Disco Bingo, Movie Nights, Multicultural Fair, Glow/Neon Parties, and Field Day
Teacher Help Funds (for various consumable supplies for students and classrooms)
Occupational Therapy Supplies
Playground Improvements
Supplemental funding for 5th Grade Science Camp